container Transport Certifications and Design guidelines
Cryogenic vessels that are transported over public roads come under the jurisdiction of the Hazardous Materials regulations of the Department of Transportation. Under those regulations, vessels that operate at less than 25 PSI are exempt from the requirements, and as such, are unregulated.
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, as related to cryogenic vessels, is usually invoked at the discretion of the customer, depending upon the application.
In keeping with good manufacturing practices (although not specifically required) Cryofab designs and fabricates all pressurized portable cryogenic vessels according to our Quality Control Program, which includes the following:
Inner Vessel Material:
ASME SA-240, type 304, Stainless Steel
Design Guideline:
ASME Section VIII and or DOT, Specification 4L
Welding Procedures:
Qualified in accordance with ASME, Section IX and or DOT 4L
Safety Devices:
In accordance with CGA pamphlet S1.1, Paragraph 5.9.3, with exceptions
Jacket Relief:
In accordance with CGA Pamphlet 341
Replacement Parts and Accessories
You can purchase replacement parts and accessories including valves, gauges and rupture discs directly from the factory by clicking here.