Moisture Pads
For In-home Oxygen Systems
Cryofab, Inc. offers replacement moisture pads from PB and Caire for in-home liquid oxygen care systems. See below for descriptions and part numbers. If you have any questions please contact the factory.
To order, email or call 800.426.2186
All parts cleaned for oxygen safety
Key | Manufacturer | MFG. P/N | Description | Cryofab P/N |
1 | PB | 776869 | C1000 Pad | CFN202 |
2 | PB | 777904 | C500/550 and Mark 6/7 Pad | CFN203 |
3 | Caire | 110050 | GEN II Pad | CFN201 |
4 | Caire | 10542209 | GEN III Pad | CFN200 |

Liquid Oxygen Parts: If you need it, we’ll find it!
Cryofab, Inc. is the only full-service organization for all makes and models of In-Home Liquid Oxygen Respiratory Systems. We are unique in that we are also a cryogenic equipment manufacturer. By combining our expertise in these fields we offer, by far, the greatest product knowledge and experience in the cryogenic aspect of the Homecare industry.
Cryofab stocks more fittings than we can list. Please call us with your requirements at 1-800-426-2186.